Value Plus loyalty card Sign up today for amazing offers and discounts
Hina Shaikh, Sales Executive
D. M. Keith Value Plus Card
Packed with amazing offers and discounts, the D. M. Keith Value Plus Card is our way of welcoming you to the family. Provided free of charge to all retail customers who take a D. M. Keith Service Plan in addition to being available for purchase, the Value Plus Card not only provides fantastic savings toward almost all your motoring needs but also entitles you to priority access for all our group VIP events and product launches.

How Does The Card Work?
Whether you’re looking to book a service, replace a part or even upgrade your car, the D. M. Keith Group Value Plus Card has something for everyone.
- Reduced price MOTs*
- £250 towards next purchase
- 15% off accessories
- 10% off servicing
- 10% off retail body repairs
- £100 referral voucher
- Bodyshop accident assistance
- Priority access to VIP events and product launches
*When you book a service with us at the same time as your MOT
If you are not booking a service with us at the same time, you will still receive a discounted rate
How Do I Apply?
Pricing options for the Value Plus Card are:
£49.95 standard price
£19.95 with any vehicle purchase
FREE with any D. M. Keith service plan
Terms And Conditions
D. M. Keith Ltd (the Company) operates the D. M. Keith Value Plus Card that enables customers to redeem discounts on transactions concluded during their relationship with the Company.
The following text provides details of the terms and conditions governing the D. M. Keith Value Plus Card. Applicable to retail sales only. PCH sales are excluded. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Loyalty contributions and discounts must be deducted prior to sale. Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of issue. Only one voucher can be redeemed at any one time. No cash equivalent and non-transferable. The Company has the right to withdraw the offer at any time. All cardholders must be a resident in the UK and over the age of 18. Participants must advise the Company of a change of address. The list of incentives and discounts may be varied at any time. Value Plus Card must be produced to redeem any offers. All offers include VAT. Free MOTs valid to customers who book a service in at any D. M. Keith dealership at the same time as their MOT service, otherwise given at a discounted rate with valid D. M. Keith Value Plus Card.